Buy a Timeshare you will use!

Most people who own Vacation properties agree that the best timeshares to own are timeshares that you are going to use. While the exchange programs such as RCI and Interval International , and all the independent ones, are great, buying a timeshare to exchange isn’t always the most cost effective way of using timeshares to vacation.
So the best bet is to buy a timeshare that you will want to visit. Related to that tip is the idea that you should buy a timeshare that’s within a day’s drive of your own home. I think you should plan on an eight hour drive at most. Even that is a long day for most people, but with breaks at is quite manageable and safe.

The reason other owners recommend that the best timeshare to own is within an eight hour drive is so that you still have a way to take a vacation even if airfares go up.

Also, you are just more likely to use a timeshare close to home and it is a great way to force yourself to take a vacation every year if you are the Type A kinda personality that things all work and no play is an okay way to live. It isn’t! Everyone needs a break and some time for themselves and their family and timeshares offer a great way to provide that for yourself. While timeshares are not a financial investment, they are an investment in your leisure time and I think its worth it, especially when you can pick up a great deal on the resale market!